D.V.A Fraternal Year Report

August 2013
1. The Chapter was represented at the 81st Grand Chapter Meeting by Voting Delegates Brother Ed Thomas and Polemarch Keshon Kelly. Also registered for the chapter were Brothers Johnny Newman and Jay Jennings. Polemarch Kelly served on the National Constitution and Statues Committee and the National Kappa Quiz Bowl Committee. As well as the coordinator for the Eastern Province Quiz Bowl team that won the National Quiz Bowl Competition. Brother Kelly and Thomas documented all the happenings of the 81st Grand Chapter Meeting. Polemarch Kelly compiled a 28 page report on all the activities and meetings held at the 81st Grand Chapter Meeting a distributed it the chapter.

2. Polemarch Kelly planed a success chapter planning meeting with all activities documented and present to the body, with goals and objects set forth as a measurement of success for this year. The meeting was hosted by Brother Ed Thomas who donated all the food and refreshments for the planning meeting.

3. Successful school supply drive in which the chapter collected donations of $120 from chapter Brothers to purchase school supplies for GHL Johnson Elementary School and for the Eastern Province Project Gratitude Program. Polemarch Kelly donated $30.00.

4. On Monday August 19, 2013 the Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter donated school supplies to GLH Johnson Elementary School in Danville, VA. Brother Edward Thomas along with Brother Larry Ford made the donation on behalf of the chapter.

5. On Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Brother Edward Thomas hosted an open swim and cookout for under privileged children held at the Blanks Club in Danville, Va. Brother Thomas donated all supplies and food personally.

6. On Thursday, August 29, 2013, the Chapter participated in the “Classroom Central School Supply Drive” in conjunction with Time Warner Cable. Polemarch Keshon Kelly donated $50 of his personal funds on behalf of the Chapter.

7. The chapter Tax status issued was cleared up with the IRS and Grand Chapter and a fee of $155.00 was donated and paid by Chapter Polemarch Keshon Kelly to have the paperwork filed and mailed off.

September 2013
1. The Chapter registered and attended the Eastern Province Officers Workshop held at Towson State Unit. Chapter members Ed Thomas, DeAndre Howard and Philip Hayes attended.

2. Chapter reclamation chairman Ed Thomas set a goal of reclaiming at least 3 members for this fraternal year. By the end of September two members had been reclaimed and paid dues. Filling 2/3 of the goal.

3. Chapter Program Documentation was completed by chapter Polemarch Keshon Kelly and Danville (VA) Alumni was the first chapter in the Eastern Province to turn in program documentation for the 2013-2014 Fraternal year.

4. Brother Edward Thomas participated in Vance Street Food Bank and feeding the needy on Friday September 20. There were 65 boxes packed with can goods, fresh fruits and meats.

5. Polemarch Keshon Kelly volunteered at the Second Harvest Food Bank to feed the needy on Thursday September 26, 2013.

6. Chapter Certification was completed by Chapter Polemarch Keshon Kelly on Monday September 30, 2013. With the deadline being set for October 31, 2013 the chapter completed certification a month ahead of schedule.

7. Polemarch Kelly who also serves as co-advisor to the VA-Tech Chapter the Theta Psi also completed their full chapter certification on Monday September 30, 2013. As he has worked with co-advisor Marvin Martin to help the chapter completed all necessary paperwork for the school as well as the province and grand chapter. The chapter is in good standing with the school and the fraternity on all levels, having completed all documentation and paying all fees on time.

8. Polemarch Kelly created a budget template for all the undergraduate chapters to use in the Eastern Province. As a new requirement from Grand Chapter is all undergraduates chapters must submit a budget to Grand Chapter and the Provinces by October 1 of each year going forward. Polemarch Kelly completed Theta Psi’s budget and submitted it on September 30th. Theta Psi was the first Chapter in the Eastern Province to turn in their chapter budget. Polemarch’s Kelly’s budget template has now been adopted by the Eastern Province and the North Central Province.

9. Polemarch Kelly created a Polemarch’s Monthly Highlight for the Chapter. The Highlight will feature a Brother, committee or the chapter as a whole for something the Polemarch feels is important to highlight for the month. The Polemarch will present the Brother or Committee with personalize framed certificates donated and paid for by Chapter Polemarch Keshon Kelly every month. For the Month of September the Polemarch’s Highlight went to Brother Edward Thomas for outstanding efforts in Reclamation.

October 2013
1. On Friday October 4, 2013, Brother Marvin Martin Co-advisor for the VA-Tech Chapter the Theta Psi participated with the chapter in the VA-Tech Homecoming step show, which the chapter won first place.

2. On Saturday, October 5, 2013, the Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi participated in the 3rd Annual River District Festival Showcase Alley held in Downtown Danville, Virginia. The Showcase Alley is where business or non-profit organizations are given the opportunity to share to the community their services they provide in the region. During the event, the brothers were able to share and network with the community on the active participation which they are doing around Danville such as the Guide Right program, community service and history about the fraternity. Brothers Larry Ford, Brother Phillip Hayes, Brother Harry Johnson, Brother Sylvesta Jennings, and Brother Edward Thomas participated in this event. Brother Edward Thomas donated and paid the $35 fee for participating in the event. Also Polemarch Kelly displayed on the chapters table.

3. On Monday October 7, the chapter participated in a project called “knots for hope” to help fund the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Awareness Fund. This project involved purchasing neckties. Also Polemarch Kellymade a monetary donation of $50.00 of his own personal funds to the fund on behalf of the chapter. Brothers Ed Thomas and DeAndre Howard also contributed to this effort.

4. On Friday October 18 – Saturday October 19, 2013 Brother Marvin Martin volunteered and sponsored a group of local children on and overnight camp out. Brother Martin volunteered this project as a chapter guide right project.

5. On Saturday October 19, the chapter held a canned food drive to collect canned foods to donate to local food banks and to donate to the Eastern Province’s Project Gratitude. Polemarch Keshon Kelly donated 50 cans. Also contributing to this effort were Brothers Larry Ford, Edward Thomas and Phillip Hayes.

6. The Polemarch’s Highlight for the Month of October went to Brother Marvin Martin for outstanding efforts in Undergraduate Support.

7. The Brother of the Month went to Brother Phillip Hayes for leading the Showcase Alley Project for the Danville River District Festival.

8. Chapter Awards Chair DeAndre Howard implemented a Brother of the Month Award Program, in which his committee would chose a Brother of the Month for some outstanding effort a brother put forward for a given month. The Brother of the Month for October was Phillip Hayes for coordinating the Showcase Ally project that the chapter participated in during the annual Danville River District Festival held on October 5, 2013.

9. On Tuesday October 22, the chapter made a donation of canned goods totaling 64lbs. to God’s Storehouse food bank in Danville, VA. Brother Edward Thomas made the donation on behalf of the chapter.

10. On Saturday October 26, Polemarch Keshon Kelly and Brother Edward Thomas conduct high cleanup on the chapters adopted highway. Brothers Kelly and Thomas picked up trash along the mile long stretch of Mt. Cross Road in Danville, VA.

11. On Saturday October 26, the chapter participated in a Guide Right Project for Halloween called Trunk or Treat. Trunk or Treat is a project to help with the safety of small kids going from house to house, trick or treating versus being in a control environment such as the middle school or Church. The event was put on b ythe local police at Chatham Middle School in Chatham, VA, and was held from 5-8 p.m. Part 2 of this project took place on Thursday October 31, at Vance Street Baptist Church in Danville, VA. Brother Edward Thomas also made a personal donation of $25.00 and Polemarch Keshon Kelly made a donation of $25.00 to go along with the chapter donation of $50 for this effort. Brothers Phillip Hayes and Harry Johnson also assisted with the projects.

12. On Monday October 28, 2013 the chapter made a donation to Elizabeth Traditional Elementary school to aid with their fitness and student fun run. A $150.00 donation was made on behalf of the chapter with personal funds from Polemarch Keshon Kelly and Brother Edward Thomas as well as Brother Sheldon McAlpin.

November 2013
1. The Chapter registered and attended the Eastern Province CRWLC held at the Norfolk Marriott Waterside, hosted by the Norfolk State Univ. Chapter the Epsilon Zeta and the Chesapeake/VA Beach (VA) Alumni Chapter. Polemarch Keshon Kelly represented the chapter along with chapter members Ed Thomas, DeAndre Howard, Johnny Newman and Kirby Wright. The chapter also made a donation of canned goods to the Eastern Province’s Project Gratitude at the 2013 CRWLC in Norfolk, VA.

2. The Polemarch’s Highlight for the Month of November went to Brother DeAndre Howard for outstanding support in chapter administration.

3. The Brother of the Month went to Brother Ed Thomas for leadership in guide right and community service projects.

4. Brothers Marvin Martin, Edward Thomas and Keshon Kelly have been granted permission by the Province Polemarch to begin activities to charter a new undergraduate chapter at Radford University. Brothers Martin, Thomas and Kelly will be holding an interest meeting on the campus of Radford Univ. on Tuesday November 19, 2013.

5. The Chapter has completed and turned in our chapter roster (C-6 Form) along with dues to the Eastern Province showing all 17 members on our current roster.

6. The Chapter has collected 80% of all chapter dues for the 17 members on our roster and 100% of all Province dues for the 17 members on our roster. This is way ahead of where we were last year at this point.

7. On Tuesday November 19th Polemrach Keshon Kelly, Brothers Edward Thomas and Marvin Martin hosted a formal interest meeting on the campus of Radford Univ. Polemarch Kelly and Brothers Thomas and Martin went over requirements and cost and general information on becoming a member of Kappa Alpha Psi and chartering a chapter at Radford. Approximately 16 young men attended the meeting and expressed their interest in becoming member of Kappa.

8. On Wednesday November 20th the Chapter purchased a bike to donate to the boys and girls club of Danville to help with their annual Christmas gift raffle for community children. Brothers Edward Thomas, Polemarch Keshon Kelly & Brother Kirby Wright donated the funds ($70) to purchase the bike on behalf of the chapter. Brothers Edward Thomas, Kirby Wright, Marvin Martin, Harry Johnson and Fredrick Fowler delivered the bike to the Boys & Girls Club of Danville on Thursday November 21st.

9. On Thursday November 21, 2013 the Chapter secured a Full Page in conjunction with the VA-Tech Chapter Theta Psi for the National Founders Day to be hosted by the Eastern Province to be held in Baltimore. Polemarch Kelly and Brother Thomas secured the funds for the ad on behalf of the chapter ($500). This is the first time the chapter has ever had an Ad for National Founders Day.

December 2013
1. On Wednesday December 4, 2013, The Chapter By-Laws committee Chaired by Brother Kirby Wright submitted a completed revision of the chapter’s entire by-laws to the Chapter Board of Directors. The revision cleaned up a lot of loose items and debated items in our current chapter by-laws as well as established more defined and concrete by-laws in which our chapter will be governed by. The Chapter Board of Directors Unanimously passed the revised version 8-0.

2. On Saturday December 7, 2013 Brother Cephus Archie was released from Riverside Nursing Home and was able to go back home. Please reach out to Brother Archie if you get the opportunity.

3. On Saturday December 14, 2013 The Chapter participated in the Ringing of the Bells for Salvation Army. This year we participated at Sam’s Club in Danville, VA from 12:00 noon until 2:00 pm. Brothers Ed Thomas, Harry Johnson, Bruce Craft, Phillip Hayes and Polemarch Keshon Kelly represented the chapter in the project.

4. On Saturday December 14, 2013 The Chapter collected items for the Danville Community Dinner to be held at the Danville Community Market on Christmas Day Wednesday December 25, 2013. Polemarch Kelly and Brother Thomas lead this effort.

5. On Saturday December 14, 2013 the chapter completed and turned in our Operation Christmas Child Boxes. The chapter sponsored two boxes one for a girl and one for a boy ages 5-9. The Brothers of the chapter split up and half the chapter filled the girl’s box and half the chapter filled the boy’s box. Brother Edward Thomas coordinated the effort.

6. On Saturday December 14, 2013 the chapter participated in a toys for tots Christmas donation drive held in Greensboro, NC. Brother Marvin Martin donated toys on behalf of the chapter that he purchased with his own personal funds and led the effort on behalf of the chapter.

7. On Wednesday December 18, the chapter sponsored a needy child in the Danville, VA area that had nothing for Christmas. The chapter bought and donated toys for the small child. Brothers Ed Thomas and Marvin Martin lead this effort.

8. The Polemarch’s Highlight for the Month of November went to Brother Bruce Craft for 20 years of Service to Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Brother Craft calibrated his 20 year anniversary on Thursday December 26, 2014.

January 2014
1. On January 3-5th Polemarch Keshon Kelly and Brother Edward Thomas attended the National Founders Day weekend hosted by the Eastern Province in Baltimore, MD.

2. On January 10th the Eastern Province Polemarch Appointed Brother Kirby Wright to the Eastern Province’s Investments Committee.

3. On Saturday January 11th the Chapter held MOIP interviews for DVA and Radford Colony. One young man was accepted into the DVA Spring MOIP Class and 6 young men we accepted into the Radford Colony Spring MOIP Class.

4. On Monday January 20th Chapter Members Participated in and attended the Rho Iota Omega Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. annual Martin L. King Day Scholarship breakfast. Brothers Ed Thomas, Sylvesta Jennings, Arnold Woody and Harry Johnson attended on behalf of the chapter. The chapter also took out a page ad for the event.

5. The Polemarch’s Highlight for the Month of January went to Brother Kirby Wright for outstanding contributions to the chapter and Eastern Province.

6. The Brother of the Month went to Brother Kirby Wright Re-writing our chapter By-Laws and being appointed to two province committees.

February 2014
1. On February 1, 2014 the chapter participated in a joint activity at Danville Community College along with the Virginia Tech Chapter the Theta Psi of Kappa Alpha Psi. The activity was for Black History Month and the Brothers of Theta Psi put on a step routine and members of the Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter gave some history and facts on Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. Brother Ed Thomas represented the chapter and former chapter member Linwood Little also participated.

2. On February 10, 2014, the Chapter reclaimed two Brothers and had them become members of our chapter. Brother John Moody (Alpha Gamma Spring ’70) and Stephen Barber (Theta Psi Spring ’90).

3. The Polemarch’s Highlight for the Month of January went to Brothers Ed Thomas for outstanding contributions to the chapter in Reclamation and Brother DeAndre Howard for outstanding contribution to Chapter Recognition and Administration.

4. The Chapter Brother of the Month went to Polemarch Keshon Kelly for outstanding chapter Leadership and Administration.

5. On Saturday February 22, 2014 Chapter MOIP Chairman Marvin Martin along with MOIP Candidates for Danville (VA) Alumni and Radford Univ. Colony conduct highway cleanup for the chapter’s adopted highway which is a mile long stretch on Mt. Cross Road in Danville.

6. On Monday February 24, 2014 the chapter put on a Black History presentation at GLH Johnson Elementary School. The presentation was on First State Bank, a Black Bank that was started and still in the Danville, VA community. The presentation was led by Polemarch Keshon Kelly and Vice Polemarch Sylvesta Jennings. Brothers Ed Thomas, Marvin Martin and Harry Johnson also participated in the presentation.

7. On February 25, 2014 Brothers Larry Ford and Edward Thomas attended the Boys and Girls Club Meeting at the Senior Citizen Building in Ballou Park, Danville, Virginia. An assortment of games was played including chess. Brother Ford, a seasoned chess player and instructor, Brother Thomas Chapter Guide Right Chairman attended the meeting to explore the possibility of introducing chess to the Club and help expand the chapters guide right efforts.

March 2014
1. On March 1, 2014 cancer survivors that attend Vance Street Missionary Baptist Church enjoyed a Pancake Breakfast that included bacon, sausage and a choice of water, juice or coffee which was sponsored by the Churches Relay for Life Committee. Chapter member Ed Thomas helped with event and volunteered during the event which lasted from 8-11am.

2. On March 7, 2014 the chapter made a $150.00 donation to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital from funds collected from our Christmas Tree display project.

3. On March 22, 2014 The Chapter was selected as the 2014 Eastern Province’s William Thomas Carter Small Alumni Chapter of the Year. Polemarch Keshon Kelly represented the chapter at the Awards & Achievement meeting held at Hilton Tyson Corner.

4. On March 22, 2014 The Chapter had 1 new member initiated during the Spring 2014 Eastern Province Cluster held at the Hilton Tyson Corner. Our new brother is Justin Hairston. Polemarch Keshon Kelly, Brothers Marvin Martin and Ed Thomas we present at the cluster.

5. On March 22, 2014 the first line for the new Radford University Colony of Kappa Alpha Psi was initiated. The 5 new members of the Colony and Fraternity are Brothers Christian Walker, Darian Dixon, Isaac Clement, Kameron Scott and James Pointer. Polemarch Keshon Kelly, Brothers Marvin Martin and Ed Thomas we present at the cluster. Brothers Martin and Kelly have been appointed by the Eastern Province Polemarch to serve as advisors to the new Colony.

6. The Polemarch’s Highlight for the Month of March went to Brother Marvin Martin for outstanding efforts in Undergraduate Support and Chapter Membership Orientation Intake Program (MOIP).

April 2014
1. On April 19, Brother Ed Thomas Donated $100.00 on behalf of the Chapter to the Dan River Boys Basketball Team fundraiser.

2. On April 22, the Chapter donated $50.00 to West Wood Middle School in Danville, VA to help with refreshments for students for End of Grad Testing.

3. On April 23, the Chapter donated over 450 bottles of water to God’s Pit Crew Disaster Relieve and Charitable Organization in Danville, VA. Brothers Ed Thomas and Phil Hayes contributed to the donation and made it on behalf of the chapter.

4. The Polemarch’s Highlight for the Month of March went to Brother Kirby Wright for 54 years of Service in Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

5. The Chapter Brother of the Month went to Brother Ed Thomas for outstanding chapter Leadership and Administration and Putting on the Region 4 Town Hall Meeting.

6. On April 25-27 During the Eastern Province Council Held at the Hilton Tyson’s Corner the chapter and Brothers had the following accomplishments.
– Brother DeAndre Howard was elected at the Eastern Province Reporter for 2014-2015
– Brother James Pointer was elected as the Eastern Province Region 4 Undergrad Board Director 2014-2015.
– The Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter was awarded the William Thomas Carter Small Alumni Chapter of the
– Polemarch Keshon Kelly was awarded the Eastern Province Meritorious Service Award by the Eastern
Province Polemarch.
– Brother Marvin Martin was awarded 2nd Place for Eastern Province Advisor of the Year.
– Brother James Pointer was on the 3rd Place Quiz Bowl Team and Received a Plaque.

7. On April 28, the Chapter donated refreshments, snacks and juice to GLH Johnson Elementary School in Danville, VA Polemarch Keshon Kelly and Brother Ed Thomas made the donation for the chapter.

8. On April 28, the chapter was invited to the Salvation Army’s Community Volunteer Appreciation Banquet. The chapter volunteered for the Salvation Army’s Annual Christmas Kettle Drive for charity. Brothers Harry Johnson and Ed Thomas attended on behalf of the chapter.

9. On April 29, the chapter Donated $50.00 to the Danville Social Services for a Career Day that social services will be hosting on June 12, 2014. Brothers of the Chapter have also volunteered to work the career day.

May 2014
1. On May 10, Brother Arnold Woody represented the chapter by participating in a new faith based community initiative “Operation Achieve: Opening the World to Our Youth” with speaker Chaplain Barry Black, chaplain for the U.S. Senate, and author of “From the Hood to the Hill” and “The Blessings of Adversity.”

2. On Friday May 16 Brother Marvin Martin was appointed to the Province MOIP Committee as the Region 4 Co-coordinator by Eastern Province Polemarch Howard L. Tutman, III.

3. On Friday May 16 Brother Kameron Scott was appointed to the Province Technology Committee by Eastern Province Polemarch Howard L. Tutman, III.

4. The May Brother of the Month is awarded to Brother Keshon Kelly for receiving the 25th Eastern Province Polemarch’s Meritorious Service Pin at the 2014 Eastern Province Council.

5. The Polemarch’s Highlight for the Month of May went to Brothers DeAndre Howard for being elected as the Eastern Province Report and Brother James Pointer for being elected as the Eastern Province Region 4 Undergrad Board Director.

6. On Wednesday May 27, Polemarch Keshon Kelly made a $100 Donation to the Levine Children’s Hospital on behalf of the Chapter.

7. On Thursday May 29, Polemarch Keshon Kelly volunteered to chaperone a group of Children from Elizabeth Traditional School on a class historical trip. The field trip was to the Mint Hill Historical Society exhibits and took place from 9:30 am until 2:00 pm.

8. On Friday May 30, Brother Ed Thomas and Keshon Kelly represented the chapter in the relay for life event held in Danville, VA at the Crossing of the Dan. The chapter also made a $50 donation to the National Cancer Society during the Relay for life event.

June 2014
1. On June 2, Polemarch Keshon Kelly volunteered to participate as an official for the school’s field day for Elizabeth Traditional School. Brother Kelly help set up for field day. He officiated and ran the relay race event for the during the activities for the day. Brother Kelly volunteered for a total of 4 and half hours at the school from 8:00 am until 12:30 pm.

2. On Tuesday June 10, 2014 the Virginia Chapter’s Founders Day Committee met and discussed the details, arrangements, coordination and activities for the 2015 Virginia Chapters Founders Day. Brother Kirby Wright.

3. On Thursday June 12, Brothers Harry Johnson, Ed Thomas, John Moody, Philip Hayes and Polemarch Keshon Kelly, participated in the Danville Social Services Career Day. This was the 2nd Annual Career Day the city of Danville has hosted for under privileged children in the community. Brother John Moody is the Director of Social Services for the city of Danville. The Brothers Present help set up and user the children to the respective station and served as volunteers for whatever the program needed.

4. The June Brother of the Month is awarded to Brother Justin Hairston for coordinating the chapter’s 13th Annual Kappa Kookout.

5. The Polemarch’s Highlight for the Month of June went to Brothers Marvin Martin for being appointed by the 25the Eastern Province Polemarch to the Province MOIP Committee as the Region 4 Co-coordinator and to Brother Kameron Scott for being appointed as the only undergraduate to the Eastern Province Technology Committee.

6. On Friday June 20, 2014 Brother Thomas and Polemarch Kelly hosted on behalf of the chapter some under privileged children at the blanks clubs to enjoy the pool and pizza.

7. The chapter held its 13th annual Kappa Kookout on Saturday June 21, 2014. The Kookout was held at the Blanks Club in Danville, VA with over 50 people in attendance. The following Chapter awards were presented at the Kookout.
– Guide Right- Brother Ed Thomas
– Professional Service- Brother DeAndre Howard
– Community Service – Brother Ed Thomas
– Fraternity Service- Polemarch Keshon Kelly
– Fraternity Service- Brother DeAndre Howard
– New Member of the Year- Brother Larry Ford
– Kappa Man of the Year – Polemarch Keshon Kelly
– Polemarch’s Award- Brother Marvin Martin
– Senior Brother Award – Brother Kirby Wright