The Danville (VA) Alumni chapter is a very special chapter, just as any of the chapters that all formulate the grand fraternity of Kappa Alpha Psi. This chapter had a plan to become a leader by example from its inception. After being conceived on the eve of May 16, 1998 by eighteen brothers with the same vision, goals, and passion for true brotherhood, the Danville (VA) Alumni chapter was born in the small southern city of Danville, VA.

Our Chapter
The Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter was approved for a charter on the 16th day of May 1998 by the Grand Board of Directors of Kappa Alpha Psi.

Our Fraternity
Kappa Alpha Psi, a college Fraternity, with Undergraduate and Alumni Chapters throughout the country, is the crystallization of a dream.

Chapter Updates
Want to know what’s new with the Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter? Check out our news and events page to stay current.